Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Heart Daddy.

The Sunbeam teacher was feel particularly adventurous, or crazy, on Sunday, and helped the kids make this cute Father's Day gift. She had the boards prepped and painted red. The kids got to pound the nails in with adult supervision of course, and then they tied the string around. Mark was so excited to give it to Rick and Rick is excited to take it to his office.
On the other end of the spectrum, Lauren's class also made Father's day gifts and included treats related to dad, such as Dad's Root Beer, Pop Rocks, and a Sugar Daddy. Since our Sugar Daddy is watching his waist line, he drank the root beer, Lauren ate the Pop Rocks, and Mark consumed the Sugar Daddy. Father's day was great all around.


Arianne said...

hmmm. . . Mark with a hammer, I don't know about that! Glad you didn't end up with another ER visit!

Ciarran said...

Who are these primary people who seem to have no fear of what Mark can do???