Thursday, August 12, 2010


Rick is spending the majority of the month in Greece, so prior to his departure we took the kids to Lagoon, which is basically their favorite place on earth. So yes they had a good time.

Mark getting ready to ride the dragon.

Katie on the swings.

YESSSSS! This year Mark is now tall enough to ride the "big" rides, and he LOVES it. Here are he and Lauren waiting in line for the Spider. (Although "tall" enough is subjective to the ride attendant. He is barely 46 inches, and the yard stick at each ride is different. We were denied at the White Roller Coaster, because he was 1/8 of inch too short according to THAT ride attendant.)

Katie is not quite sure about that pink pig she is riding.

Lauren loving the zebra

Mark, he was feeling patriotic.