Thursday, April 16, 2009


Aunt Courtney, or in my case, sister-in-law Courtney, got invited to the PROM and we got invited to photograph the event. I have to say three years ago we had a similar ritual with Matt, and Courtney was a much more willing victim to be photographed than Matt was!

Her date arrived, gorgeous tulip corsage in hand!

Next it was Scott's turn for a flower.

Don't they look sharp?

Did I mention it was raining?

Their "PROM" group arriving for group pictures. Did I mention it was raining?

I told you Courtney would look HOT in her dress. I know I am biased, but of all the dresses I saw, Courtney's was one of the most elegant.

One last photo, "the group," then off for fun!


Rochelle said...

Tell her she looks fabulous in that dress. I love it!