Thursday, January 8, 2009

Did I mention snow?

Mother nature has not been smiling on us lately she has been burring us in snow. I know its fun to play in, we need the water, but seriously, the kids could ski to school, its just that out of control. I have no less than about three feet in my yard.

Good news that New Years resolution to work out more, no gym membership necessary, just an adequate amount of snow and a good snow shovel.

The kids of course think the big piles of snow made by snow plows, 4-wheelers with plows, and hand shoveling are perfect for conquering. In fact Lauren calls them "The great wall of Utah"

The object to the left in the picture is my grill. I guess I should be able to use it again by maybe August...?


Margaret said...

Oh that is just nuts. And we were complaining about 4 inches of snow up here in Seattle! Now we're just dealing with rain and flooding. Typical weather for us. Stay warm!

Melanie said...

I think you may have gotten a bit more in Provo than here in Saratoga Springs. But, we still got plenty!

Leah said...

It's perfect if you can stay inside cuddled in a blanket sipping something warm next to the fire. But having to drive in or go down your scary thanks. I do love how snow makes everything so peaceful and clean.

A*Waite said...

I can't believe you have so much snow!! Crazy amazing!