Thursday, February 18, 2010


Lauren's dance studio is in an industrial area in Pleasant Grove. It is also near an open air sewage treatment facility. What does this mean? Depending on how the wind is blowing, you can smell the lovely intestinal delights of those who live in Pleasant Grove.

Mark, who frequently accompanies me to take Lauren to dance, has become quite fascinated with this..... We started talking about the sewer and that when you poo it gets flushed down the toilet and into the sewer where all the sewage is treated. For the next week every time Mark made poo he asked me if it was going to the sewer. I assured him that it was. Then one day after I had exited the bathroom, and confirmed to him that my poo was safely in the sewer he asked "Mommy does your poo get mixed with mine?" I told him "yes" I could see his the wheels in his mind turning trying to decided if that was a good thing or a bad thing......


Martha said...

Just one of the many things that make having boys such an adventure! Lol!

Brooke said...

You crack me up!!! How funny!!!