Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mark's teachers.

Before we could start a new school we had to say "goodbye" to the old one. Mark loved his teacher Mrs. MacKay. Both she and Mark were sorry to part ways. Good news, the school has assured me that if Mark is ready for general education kindergarten next year he will be returned to Mrs. MacKay.

Mark and Mrs. MacKay.
Then it was on to meet Mark's new teacher. Her name is Samantha Daniels, but she has the kids call her Miss Sam.

Here is Mark with Miss Sam. Not the best picture of him, I think he was processing all the new stuff in her class room. She is wonderful. I really like her. Mark is in a class with 11 other boys. No girls allowed! Well except for the teacher and her two aids. As you can see his new teacher is drop dead gorgeous. I am afraid I am going to have competition for my boy's heart. I am anticipating that before the year is out he will have completely fallen in love with her.


Lora Dawn said...

The good news is that a kiddo Mark's age "falling in love" is really good news. No kidding. I've seen kids who adore their teachers really stretch themselves into learning, just because they want to please their teacher.