Friday, October 23, 2009

In China and (not) loving it


I can't get my blogger to work here in China, I think the government may have banned my blogger, because you know what anti-Chinese stuff i might spew forth.

Right now I am so tired I can't even think straight. I am calling it punch drunk tired. Probably a good think I can't blog, i can't even form a sentence. I have been up for 48 hours with the exception of the 6 hours of "junk" sleep I got on the air plane. My head is killing me, the food is disgusting, and the smell....

Do me a favor if I ever get the idea I want fly half way across the world, please just tell me no and handcuff me to the bed. This has been a total assault on my senses. With any luck a good night's sleep will improve my attitude and physical condition.

Please put a post on my blog that as of right now no blogger updates, the Chinese are against me blogging, apparently I didn't get the proper clearance, visa, or some other document to prove I just want to provide entertainment via my blog, and have no intent to be a political activist.

Might be going to church on Sunday with the Ambassador, will keep you posted.



Arianne said...

Oh sad! Does this mean I'll have to wait until you get back to hear all about it?! I'm so depressed. Hopefully you'll feel better after you sleep!

Carol said...

I'm confused. If you can't blog then how did this post get onto your blog?

angela said...

Wow I didn't know you were headed to China. No Mc Donalds in sight