Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Pictures

In keeping with tradition, and to decorate a wall in my house, we took our annual fall pictures. Thanks to a really wet spring, the colors were unusually bright and vivid. Here is a sampling of my, or rather Rick's success, he was photographer in chief this year. Enjoy!

Note the purple finger nails. I let her paint her nails the night before, forgetting that we were taking pictures the next day. Arruuuuggggg.

This is Rick's favorite.

How cute is my man???

This just so captures Mark's essence.

A two year old, a camera and pictures....not the best combination. Surprised I got something good.

I love this picture! She insisted on climbing a nearby fence.

Ok, this was the best I could do with putting all three in the picture.
Now on to BLOOPERS!

Alright not so much a blooper, but still cute.

Katie thought jumping while having your picture taken seemed like a good idea.

It was a LONG afternoon...

Now you see why most of my pictures are individual shots this year...


Ciarran said...

Love the fall pictures!

Sue Jackson said...

You have such cute kids! This is such a great tradition! I can't wait to see the finished wall and which pictures you chose!

just me said...

Cute pics! BTW, jumping pictures are the best. Everywhere we went this summer, my friends insisted on a jumping picture.

Courtney and Hyrum said...

So so cute. I can't believe how big Katie is now! She is sooo pretty.

Brooke said...

So cute! What a beatiful family!!!

Arianne said...

They turned out adorable as always. That little Katie sure is photogenic, her eyes always sparkle in her pictures!