Monday, July 6, 2009

The 4th of July!

It was the 4th of July, and you know what that means, matching clothes, family, food, fireworks and WAY too much fun!

The 4th of July outfits.

Katie with Grandma and her newest cousin, Cody.

The food, an all American grilling event, complete with Diet Coke.

Stadium of Fire!!!

Check out this cotton candy face.

The Jonas Brothers. Can you guess which member of my family demanded tickets to Stadium of Fire? Because trust me we would not have gone otherwise...

Yes, this is the family member who demanded to see the Jonas Brothers, and during the concert sang along to all their songs.

This is what Mark thought of the Jonas Brothers. About 10 minutes into their concert Mark began throwing one of the biggest temper tantrums of his life. He was tired of Stadium of Fire and want to go home and light off his own fireworks. Good news there is something louder than Mark's temper tantrums, a Jonas Brothers concert. We could see he was throwing a temper tantrum, but could not hear a word he was saying. I think this made him even madder.....

The fireworks. By this time Mark had calmed down and decided to enjoy the pryo technical specular!

And yes when we got home we had to do our own fireworks, although we were a bit limited, because technically there was a firework ban in our area, and they were actively patrolling the area. We only lit off one fountain, and then stuck to sparklers and snakes.

Even I did a sparkler! Good news we did not get "busted."


Ciarran said...

I love Katie's dress! And I love that Mark plugged his ears for JoBros. Looks like a classic Provo 4th!

About Ours Good One Home said...

Come play at Chez Jones! We have a fairly open schedule - when works for you?

Arianne said...

Cute patriotic outfits! Okay Lauren looks really bummed about that sparkler in her hand, is that because she's used to the big fireworks or was she just coming off her Jonas Bro. high?