Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Waiting Place

Upon college graduation a really good friend of mine gave me the book "Oh the places you'll go." Its one of my favorites. She wrote in the book "Oh the places you have been and the places you have yet to see. When it gets too serious Dr. Seuss always helps up put it in the right perspective."

The message of this book has stayed with me for 21 years now. One of the parts of the book that really resonates with me is "The Waiting Place." The character comes to The Waiting Place after confusion about which direction to go in life, because nothing is clear. In The Waiting Place people are just sitting around waiting for things to happen. Everyone is just waiting. Its a frustrating place. Waiting for things beyond their control. The Waiting Place is a stop, its not the destination. Time always pushes you out of The Waiting Place.

On more than one occasion in the last 21 years I have been in The Waiting Place. For me The Waiting Place is painfully frustrating. I am a go getter, a self starter, an in charge sort of person. To be stuck waiting is extremely discomforting. For the past three months I have felt stuck in The Waiting Place. Not begin able to move forward, to the side or even backwards, Just stuck. Feeling paralyzed, while trying to function in The Waiting Place.

Its also been an intense time of personal growth. As I have been stuck and not able to move in any direction, its forced me to stop, pause and reflect. After all The Waiting Place is not just about waiting, its about what you do while you wait, and what you learn from The Waiting Place.


Lora Dawn said...

Um-m-m, you are barking up an alley that is more than familiar to me.
May your reflections be your teachers.
I believe in you. I love you.

Brooke said...

I swear you are the voice to my thoughts. I am going to have to get a copy of the book. Hope you get the green light soon!