Monday, March 21, 2011

This is why I should have skipped church yesterday...

Meet Bob.
Katie came prancing home from Primary with Bob.
Katie is very proud of Bob.
Lauren & Mark wish that Bob belonged to them.
Sunday was spent arguing about who got to feed Bob.

Mommy fears Bob.
Mommy know that she will have to clean Bob's fish tank.
Mommy is going to have to buy more food for Bob.
Mommy has no time to deal with the likes of Bob.
Mommy fears the day Bob dies and I have to explain to Katie why Bob is no longer in his fish tank.
Mommy loves Katie's Primary teacher, but really?? Bob???


Lora Dawn said...

That's some object lesson.
Plan of Salvation, eh?

And, yes, the mortality rate isn't pretty. Who knows when he'll join the ranks of my own dearly departed: Bubba, Julio, Julio dos and Julio tres

Arianne said...

what the WHAT?!

Jolee B. said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I know the church has said to not give treats in class anymore, so that siblings don't get jealous... who would have ever thought to bring a fish! That's the craziest thing ever! I'd totally be pissed if my kid brought that home. So sorry Tiffany!