Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The only thing worse....

The only thing worse than having to do that stupid bun/hair growth thing on Lauren and Katie's head for dance competition, is having to do it while I am sick and they are sick. I nearly thought Saturday morning was going to send me to my grave.

The girls had their first dance competition on Saturday morning. We. Had. To. Go. Here is the long and short of why I hauled my sick kids and self to a dance competition on Saturday morning. The dances are "blocked" for each kid. If one kid is gone, it messes up the blocking, and the dance. As parents we pay an obscene amount of money for the kids to compete, and the kids want to do well. So if your kid doesn't participate it pretty much tanks the dance for all the other kids in group. Lauren has three group dances, Katie has two. Do the math.......

Basically if the girls were breathing on Saturday morning, they were going to the dance competition. By Saturday morning, Katie was faring better in the wellness category than Lauren, by about 15%. Lauren was in tears not sure she would have the energy to dance.

Now before you think I am a completely mean, heartless, and cruel mother, I knew once the girls got to the competition, got their costumes on, and were with their friends, the adrenaline would kick in. Plus I told Lauren that once we got there if she simply could not compete I would pull her out.

Sure enough the adrenaline kicked in, both preformed really well, had a great time, and were glad they went. They both came home, and CRASHED on the couches for several hours.

Now if only the same could be said for me....I was running on about 25% power on Saturday, and after the hour that it took to get the girls ready and out the door on Saturday morning, it was a good thing I had a 25 minute drive to the competition where I could just sit, because I was not sure I was going to make it. I wonder if they can pull a mommy from the competition?


Lora Dawn said...

I am sorry you are sick, but I thing you should know that a 25% Tiffany probably equals a 101% in the rest of us! Just sayin' . . .
Love you.