Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Katie!

Katie turned three! I was instructed to have a pink princess birthday party. Nothing less would do.

Here is Katie's birthday table, complete with a princess castle, and very large size Cinderella's in the background.

The tower of princess cupcakes.

Katie with her birthday presents, looking very much like a three year old.

Grandma gave her a Dora microphone....she loves it, mommy on the other hand....verdict is still out on whether or not mommy loves the Dora microphone, lets just say it can be loud...

No help necessary for this girl in opening presents.

Can you have a princess birthday party without a princess trike? I think not.

She really wants to get her hands on those cupcakes....

And once she did get her hands on those cupcakes, I was lucky I got a picture while one candle was still lit.
She had a great day.


Ciarran said...

Those cupcakes are awesome! I can't believe I forgot to call her on her birthday! Finals ruined my brain cells...

Arianne said...

She's so cute! I've got to get my UT tickets soon our girls need to play and so do we!