Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rock Hound

The 4th grade project for the month of April was to be a rock hound. The assignment was to hike around and "Collect rocks of all shapes and sizes. Look in yards, canyons, parks mountains, and just about everywhere." Lauren was to collect the rock, and note the date and place where she found the rock.

Now I had scheduled this project to be done April 16, 2011 with Rick. However I forgot to clear that with Katie, who chose that weekend to be sick. (I was out of town, so Rick had all the kids.)

So last weekend we had to do the project. On Friday I was complaining to my neighbor about having to spend a chunk of time on Saturday collecting these rocks and then trying to determine if it was igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. My neighbor said to me "Oh, don't do that, I have a ton of rocks from when my boys had to do rock collections, just come to my house and pick them up." HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH.

Now these were not just any old rocks, she had gone to a rock shop and purchased rocks, and they came in little clear baggies individually labeled. No fuss, no muss, no guessing what the hell type of a rock it was. The assignment was done in the 15 minutes it took to make the labels and slap them inside the egg carton.

Do I feel guilty? NO WAY, NO HOW, NO GO. We technically completed the project within the guidelines. The teacher did say we could find rocks "just about everywhere." And she never specifically excluded your neighbors house. Lauren put a tag in that she found all the rocks on April 23, 2011 in the foothills of Provo, which is technically correct. Assignment completed.

Assignment for May.....a county in Utah. The rumor is Lauren will actually have to travel to the county she is assigned. Does this teacher not understand that in May, I have Marks' Birthday, Katie's birthday, two dance competitions, a dance recital, a piano recital, Mother's Day, and a seminary graduation????!!!!! Seriously. Oh, yeah and I work FULL TIME.

I wonder if Rick rented an airplane and we flew over the air space for the county......I mean technically that is a visit.....


Arianne said...

You have great neighbors! I seriously fear the day my kids start bringing home projects like this, I don't think it will take long to prove that I'm not smarter than a fifth grader!

Jolee B. said...

What a crazy, dumb project... good for you for talking to the neighbor! And I think Lauren should pick Utah County for her next project. :)

Tiffany Hales said...

I wish she could pick the county, its ASSIGNED to her. I have NO control.

Carol said...

I remember doing those rock collections with my kids. When they did the county reports they just had to make a poster and get info from the chamber of commerce about the county. Expecting the child to actually visit the county is absurd.