Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt 2011

Saturday morning Rick and I with the assistance of Matt were working on cleaning out the garage. Its been a mess for a while and both Rick and I still had stuff in the garage, so it seemed appropriate we sort it out together. After two hours of working, it was lunch time. Rick decided to take the kids out to lunch, while I continued to sort through stuff. (It was justified, because most of the stuff was mine!)

While Rick was gone with the kids, that sneaky Easter Bunny made a number of deposits in my back yard.

It did not take long once the kids arrived home to discover what the Easter Bunny had done in the absence of my children. Squeals of delight came forth and jumping ensued. They could not get their Easter baskets soon enough.

Here are Lauren and Katie making a quick run.

Katie was very aggressive. Don't get in this girls way, when it comes to collecting eggs, otherwise she will mess you up.

Now Lauren is an old pro at this.

Mark even got aggressive this year.

Here is the final haul. As you can see they all got about the same amount, and the Easter Bunny was very generous in the depositing of eggs.

Now the fun begins, see what is inside those eggs.

Lauren's favorite egg color, Yellow.

Mark scored in the dollar department. The Easter Bunny left 10 eggs, each with a one dollar bill. Its usually Lauren who manages to sniff out those moneyed eggs, but this year the final tally was Mark $6.00, Lauren $3.00 and Katie $1.00.