Monday, April 18, 2011

Moving on up....

You might recall that about four weeks ago "Bob" the fish came home from primary and I was none to happy about his arrival. Well I anticipated that Bob would last about a week before I sent him to his happy grave in the Provo City sewer system. THREE weeks later Bob was still alive. Rick took pity on Bob and his humble abode and upgraded Bob. This is Bob's new home. To go with his new home the kids upgraded his name as well, he is now "Bobolopogis." The good news about the new home, it came with a filter, so I don't have to clean the tank every two days like I had to do when he lived in more humble conditions. I also informed Rick that when it came to tank cleaning, that I thought it was a wonderful activity to engage in when he is here spending time with the kids. And last but not least, after giving Bobolopogis a week to adjust to his new home, this last weekend Rick found friends for Bobolopogis. Somehow I don't think this was the outcome Katie's primary teacher envisioned.....I'm just saying....


Lora Dawn said...

Oh man, when I read your title, I thought Bob's upward movement was to heaven!

Carol said...

When goldfish live in an aquarium instead of a bowl they can live for a very long time.

Smullin Family said...

We have an adopted African Water Frog, that was supposed to be on his last leg...he's still around after 2 1/2 years!

Smullin Family said...

True story: Our kids each got a fish. They had fun naming them. Treyson named his Nemo. Nemo died when he was sucked up into the filter...just like NEMO! (I guess NEMO didn't die.) Treyson is convinced that the name was what did him in. He says he'll never name another fish Nemo because of it. :)