Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm coming out.

Every year Lauren's elementary school does the national PTA program entitled Reflections. It's a program that focuses on the arts, that is arts of all kinds. In the past we have talked about doing it, but then life got in the way, and we never did it.

This year we decided to make ourselves women of action. Lauren initially wanted to do photography, but then decided to choreograph a dance. The theme for this year is "Together we can..." She decided to focus on bullying.

The music she chose was a classic disco song from the 1970's entitled "I'm coming out." by Marcia Hines. Rather than perform the dance for the school, she submits a DVD with her dance. She has an opportunity at the beginning of the DVD to explain her interpretation of the theme and music.

Lauren starts DVD by explaining that she is going to stand together with her friends and come out against bulling, and let others know that bullying is never acceptable. Here are a few pictures of her dance, since I have not yet figured out how to put a video on blogger....

Can you believe how grown up she looks?


Lori said...

What a great idea! Would love to see the complete dance/with music if you figure out how to post it. She looks WAYYYYYYY grown up!!

Arianne said...

Yes you most definitely need to figure out the video thing, I need to see!