Friday, November 5, 2010

Can't fight fate, or your housekeeper....

Wednesday really is my favorite day of the week. You see my wonderful housekeeper Rosalina spend three hours in my house undoing all the damage the kids and I have done in the last seven days. (Ok, well not all the damage, because I usually have to spend at least an hour on Tuesday night dealing with our clutter, so she can come in on Wednesday and deal with our dirt.

Now Rosalina is a wonderful lady, and its so nice to not have to worry about sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning bathrooms, and for that I am forever thankful.

However.....she is a little bit of a ditz. If you will recall a blog post I had last year where I had to take the daily shower cleaner away from her because she used it to scrub down EVERY surface in my house, although my ENTIRE house was shower fresh when she left....

Every week without fail some cleaning item is left is the most bazaar of places, and sometimes its more than one item. For example last week it was the furniture polish on the brick fireplace, and the toilet brush in the trash can. So I have decided that rather than be frustrated, I would use the odd placement of clean products, and cleaning items for blogging material.

This week, daily shower cleaner on the hall table.......(I am really miffed she found my shower cleaner, who knows what got hosed down this week with shower cleaner....and I know it was not the shower because that was NOT on the list of items to clean this week.)


nesquik405 said...

Terribly funny!! Want to be a fly on the wall as Rosalinda moves around your house.