Monday, November 1, 2010


PARTY, PARTY, PARTY. That is what happened for three straight days at my house. With Halloween falling on a Sunday, it was not so much an event as it was an extravaganza.

Starting on Thursday.....

Thursday was the Halloween party at my office. Katie joined me, and stole the show.

After spreading her cheer at my office, it was onto party at dance class, where she was mistaken for a show girl......

Next up, Friday.

Lauren at the school Halloween parade.

Mark, walking way to fast during the parade for me to capture a decent shot.
After school Grandma picked them up and they joined daddy, uncle Brian and uncle Matt for the Ominture Halloween party. Uncle Brian works for Ominture, which was their "in." They completely filled up their pumpkins and I suggested there was no need to trick or treat on Saturday, but that didn't go over so well.
On to Saturday.
Here are my two flamingo girls, or for those of you with more twisted minds who think they look like show girls.

Mark, he was busting ghosts.
As you can tell it was a rainy Halloween. I looked at the weather and tried to determine the best time to go out between storms. I thought I had about an hour between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m....

As you can see I missed my window...... They were drenched. But they had so much fun. Katie demanded that she be allowed to ring every doorbell or knock on every door.
Its sad but true, Lauren is now too old to trick or treat with me. She wanted to go alone with her friends. At least they were smart and took umbrella's.

While Mark and Katie only lasted about 45 minutes, Lauren stayed out for 2 1/2 hours and came home with quite the collection of treats.

What is better on a cold and rainy night than a pot of chili.

When my wet kids came home, I warmed them right up.
Finally on Sunday, the actual day of Halloween we celebrated by wearing black dresses to church, with orange and black hair bows. We were afraid the flamingo/show girls costumes might be a little distracting.


Rochelle said...

HA HA! Yeah, the flamingo costumes may indeed be a source of distraction @ church :) I love all three of their costumes. I just watched Ghostbusters and Mark totally looks the part. I'd love to see more of the office party photos if you got. Looks like you guys had a fabulous weekend!!!