Monday, July 14, 2008

His familiar

Every kids has it, every parent suffers because of it. What is it? The object known as the "familiar" that must be slept with at night, and carted throughout the house during the day. For Mark it is a tan colored blanket, and I use the term blanket loosely. In its original condition it had feathers, now all feathers have mysteriously disappeared, it is basically two pieces of fabric sewn together. He name for it is his "wittle blanky."

He must have it to sleep with at night, and he greets me in the morning with his "wittle blanky" in his arms. It gets drug around the house during the day, and generally speaking he knows where it is at. If something traumatic happens such as a fall or head bang, it is the first thing he asks for, even above a hug from mommy. So you see where I rank!

On Saturday trauma struck. It was bed time and the "wittle blanky" was nowhere to be found. Now the irony of this, is relatively speaking my house is clutter free at the moment due to the departure of Jeff, Linda and company. So you would think in a clutter free house that finding a blanket would not be that difficult of a task. It is not like it is a small item that could easy fall between couch cushions, be tossed in the trash, or have some other similar fate befell it. I searched and searched for 35 minutes for that blanket, on all three levels of my house and it was nowhere to be found. Finally I told Mark that he had to go to bed without his blanket. He was devastated. I tucked him into bed and he cried and cried. When he said prayers he asked Heavenly Father to help him find his blanket, and continued to cry long after I left the room. Next I tucked Lauren into bed and she also prayed that we would find the blanket.
I decided to do one last search for the blanket. I started in the mud room, progressed to the laundry room, then went into the kitchen. I realized I had not looked on the back side of the kitchen table where it abuts the window seat. As I peered over the chairs, there on the floor was the answer to the prayers of both children of mine. The blanket. I quickly took it back up to Mark, who of course was elated. There is nothing like the prayers of a child and the determination of a mommy