Thursday, February 3, 2011

Toy Story 3

Here is the conversation I had with Katie this morning as we were getting dressed to head over to grandma's house.

Katie: Grandma does not have Toy Story 3.
Me: That's too bad.
Katie: Can you buy Toy Story 3?
Me: We already have Toy Story 3.
Katie: No! Can you buy Toy Story 3 for grandma for her birthday?

Nothing like a little self interest involved in the purchase of a birthday present for grandma. Perhaps grandma might also like the Barbie from Toy Story 3?


Courtney McLean said...

haha oh Katie. How cute! We actually do have Toy Story 3. (:

Arianne said...

So funny, I miss her!

Arianne said...

PS - love your new blog background :)