Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Attitude lives at my house.

Attitude lives at my house, and its name is Katie. Katie believes it is her moral obligation to remind me on a daily basis the inadequacies of my parenting skills. The current lecture I am receiving is about her not getting a Fun Dip for Valentines day.

On Sunday night we put together her Valentines for pre-school the following day. The Valentine consisted of a little Valentine card attached to a Fun Dip. I made sure each child in her class had a Valentine. When I picked her up from pre-school on Monday the first thing I heard was that I had failed to address a Fun Dip Valentine to her. Now its not that Katie did not get Fun Dips, because several of her class mates gave her Fun Dips, and she knew that we had left over Fun Dips at home. It was my forgetting to make sure Katie gave herself a Valentine. Every person she met for the next 48 hours was told of the Fun Dip slight, and my inadequacies as a parent. The worst part, she said it with such a indigent, self righteous attitude, that after a two minute conversation you really would believe I was the worst parent on the planet.

I can hardly wait until she is 13.........


Jolee B. said...

That's awesome! Two very enthusiastic thumbs up for this entry and the entry about Lauren! As always, great writing.