Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Be warned....

Ok, this is gross, I admit kids, well specifically Lauren, discovered this new game for the Ipad/Iphone. Its a pimple popper game. We are all addicted.....

So the pimple starts out all red like this, and you use your fingers to pretend you are squeezing the pimple, by moving your fingers on the Ipad/Iphone toward the inflamed area. If you are squeezing too hard or in the wrong fashion, the screen turns red to let you know the person is not enjoying the pain you are inflicting.

Once you successfully pop the pimple you get all sorts of puss, and fun white stuff. Then you get to return to the person's face in search of another pimple. And not all pimples are white heads, you get some black heads and even some scabs to pick.
Its almost as good as the real thing....


nesquik405 said...

Oh, dear! I believe we call this kind of thing a "guilty pleasure."

Lora Dawn said...

OK - - - so where's the peeling sunburned shoulders? That's a sister pleasure way back on memory lane.

Arianne said...

That's so disgusting. . . Mom would have loved it!