Wednesday, December 1, 2010

She can't handle the power....

This week I had the pleasure of Katie's company while I ran into Smith to pick up a few groceries. Now I normally don't shop at Smith's, but I needed a few essentials, it was close to Mark's karate, and his lesson is only 1/2 hour. So to Smith's it was.

In the process of obtaining a cart for me, Katie noticed a small cart, and as Goldilocks would say "It was just right." She was absolutely insistent that she was going to drive that cart around the store.

Now "drive" is a relative term....she more or less acted like a bull dozier with the cart. If you were in her way, you better get out, or be prepared for bummer "carts." End displays, well aren't they supposed to be knocked over? Right of way? Not with her in control. All must yield to the three year old.

Can't you see the attitude?

Of course her cart was not going to be driven around empty.

More attitude....Now I really think that Smith's needs to rethink this small cart thing. Legally speaking its quite a liability. These carts are a little too attractive to three year olds, who are hell bent on creating LOTS of havoc in the store, not to mention she totally believed she should be able to "drive" the cart out to the car. When told "no" by her mother, a sprawling temper tantrum ensued in the entry way of the Smith's.

A trip the next day to our regular grocery store that does not offer the small cart option resulted in another temper tantrum in the entry way.
Clearly she can't handle the power.....same could be said of her mother and her BMW, but that's another post....


Arianne said...

oh my gosh - so funny! They have those little carts at Trader Joes here and Kallie is also quite obsessed with them, I so feel your pain! Every time we go to Trader Joes we get lots of crusty looks from old ladies.

Lori said...

Your blog cracks me up!! Entertainment at it's finest...but then I don't have a three year old either :-)