Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crazy Hat Day.

Last week at school it was crazy hat day. Now I created this crazy hat 6 years ago when Lauren was in the same pre-school and not only has it been to school with Lauren but it also went to school with Mark on crazy hat day. So of course I intended for Katie to use the same hat. Forgot to clear that with Katie.... From the day she came home with the note for crazy hat day she was insistent that she wanted her own crazy hat and would not wear a hat worn by Lauren and Mark, despite the fact she had not even seen the hat. We continued to argue about this for two days.

On Friday morning, when the crazy hat was produced she took one look at it and we were good. Apparently it was crazy enough for her.


Arianne said...

That's funny! you have gotten really good use out of that hat, I bet you were glad you saved it and didn't have to make a new one each year!