Friday, December 19, 2008

Why is this child still alive?

Last week a comment was left on my blog "Why is this child still alive?" in reference to Mark's spilling popcorn salt on the kitchen floor. I have to admit I often ask myself that very question. For those of you who are regular readers of my blog you are very familiar with his antics, from temper tantrums, to random acts of destruction, to making his sisters squeal. My day is an endless stream of mitigating his disasters, frequented with "MAAARRRRRKKK!!!!!" (this is when he knows he is really in trouble)

This morning I was lying in bed, and Mark was right next to me. He and Lauren have taken up residence in my bed. Lauren sleeps on one side, me on the other and Mark between us, but mostly snuggled up next to me. Both Mark and I woke up at the same time. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes and touched my face and said "Mommy can I have a kiss?" That is why this child is still alive.


Jana Lee Bumblebee said...

Thus he redeems himself.

Smullin Family said...

So sweet...and smart. :o)