Tuesday, December 30, 2008

All things bright and shiney.

Uncle Jeron who lives in St. George, came and stayed with us for a few days prior to heading up to Idaho to spend Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Hales. My kids think Uncle Jeron happens to be one of the coolest uncles on the planet, they love teasing and tormenting him. Mark especially likes to "chat" him up.

Jeron was nice enough to bring Christmas presents for the kids. As is Jeron's long standing tradition he wrapped them in aluminum foil. Now I have to admit when Jeron started wrapping presents in foil a number of years ago, I thought was stupid and he would grow out of it. As you can see he has not. But I am beginning to change my mind on the stupid thing, I mean the wrapping always fits perfectly around the package, no tape and its recyclable. Perhaps Jerson is on to something.....


Lora Dawn said...

cut the suspense - - what's inside?
ham sandwich, chips and a soda?

Smullin Family said...

Ya, what's inside? I'm curious as to what an uncle (w/no children of his own)would get for his neices and nephew.

Tiffany Hales said...

He did amazingly well. Lauren had got a Hannah Montana puruse and night shirt, Katie, and CUTE brown and pink outfit in the CORRECT size, and Mark a car that you can take the pieces off/apart. I was very impressed with his ability to chose gifts for my children!

Arianne said...

Wow, go Jeron! I forgot about his foil wrapping. . . good memories!