Monday, December 22, 2008

Fun with the Christmas tree.

Katie has decided her new job assignment in the family is to redecorate the Christmas tree. She has become particularly fascinated with the round glass ornaments.

Katie quickly determined that if you grab onto the ornament and "pull" you can quickly separate the round ornament from its gold top and the ribbon that hangs the ornament on the tree.

The round ornaments and a few of the tops, can then be deposited on the tree skirt for added color when presents are not occupying that spot just yet.

Finally, she decided to try taking two ornaments, one in each hand, and smash them together like raw eggs. You can see the result of that.....

Needless to say, the bottom two feet of my tree is looking a little sparse this year, thanks to the cute little "helpful" hands that live at my house.


Smullin Family said...

Katie has been a busy!
I've always struggled with Christmas time and was hard to stay in the "Christmas Spirit" with a 1/2 naked tree.
You have a good attitude..see the humor in it and blog about it.