Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The drums....

First it was the air guitar in the grocery store, while singing "my butt is on fire."

Now it is the drums with chopsticks and stools.

And of course singing at the top of her lungs.

At least drums with chopsticks on the stools is a LOT quieter than the real drums.


nesquik405 said...

Such joyful abandon!

angela said...

I can relate to this. I used to take grandma's wooden spoons, used the ends to beat on whatever I could find, pan lids, oatmeal box top, etc.

Unknown said...

tiffany! I love your posts! There's no link to subscribe, I don't know if I have to be invited. But if you wouldn't mind adding me to the friends and family... I'd love to subscribe.

Lori said...

So...would you quit having such a busy summer, and get back to blogging? I'm missing you :-)