Monday, May 2, 2011

The man, the myth, the legend.

Seven years ago Mark arrived. All 9lbs, and 8oz of Mark arrived. He wasn't nearly as ready to arrive as Lauren was. He would have been perfectly content to say put for another few weeks and work on a few more pounds. He did not clear that plan with me, and seeing as how I was hosting his party, I said "party over."

Arrival. He was not screaming or breathing like he should. The doctors and nurses were not really paying attention to him. Rick was holding him. Rick is the one who pointed out "Hey he is having a hard time breathing." This garnered some attention.

He had to spend some time in the NICU. At 9lbs he was the "bruiser" baby of the NICU. The other mothers with their one pound babies were looking at me and Mark like "what's his problem?" The NICU staff loved Mark, because although he was a sick guy, at 9lbs he was not fragile like those one pound babies. He could be man handled.

They man handled an IV right out of the top of his head. After a week he decided he was ready to come home and join the family. I am very glad he joined our family.


Smullin Family said...

I had 2 "bruiser" babies in the NICU (9.8 and 9.1). One nurse told me (without thinking)"We worry about the big babies making it. The little ones have more fight in them." What?! Did she realize she was talking to a mother of a "big baby"?!

Mark looks so handsome,even as a baby.
Your life would not be nearly as interesting or humorous without him. :) Happy Birthday Mark!

Arianne said...

awww, I love that little bruiser! Happy b-day Mark. Tell him Kallie picked out a surprise for him but I didn't actually get the surprise to the post office until today, oh well at least he'll have something to look forward to later this week!

Ciarran said...

I love Mark! He looks so cute and sad with that little IV sticking out of his head.