Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All was quiet on the family room front, I should have known…..

On Monday afternoon I put Katie down for a nap, and put PBS Kids on for Mark to watch while I was at the computer writing decisions for work. It was very quiet in the family room, but that did not seem too unusual because Thomas and Friends was on. When Thomas is on Mark is transfixed to the television. It is one of the few times, aside from sleep, that he is not in perpetual motion.

After about 45 minutes I went from the office to the family room. Now keep in mind its only about 12 feet from the office to the family room and I could hear the sound of Thomas the entire time I was working, least you think I was ignoring my child. When I entered the family room the first thing I noticed was the large jar of Jiff peanut butter on the coffee table. The second thing I noticed was peanut butter smeared all over my son. The third thing I heard was the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. Upon closer inspection he has tried to wash the peanut butter off in the bathroom sink because the sink was covered in peanut butter. Fourth thing I noticed, peanut butter smeared all over the coffee table. I began the process of cleaning up Mark, and the entire peanut butter covered house.

Smeared peanut butter jar

You can see where little fingers have been placed into the jar to scoop out delicious peanut butter for consumption.

The Guilty Face.


Smullin Family said...

I'm very familiar with that eery quiet...no good can come from it!

PS-I've tagged you. Go to my blog for instructions/questions (copy and paste).