Friday, November 21, 2008

Fall Pictures

With the craziness in our lives this fall we did not get up the canyon for our annual fall picture taking expedition. But I had already purchased matching outfits which I could not let go to waste, so we settled for the back yard for a few colorful pictures. Good news for us, both the fall colors and the temperature cooperated for a lovely afternoon of picture taking, now if I could have only gotten the 18 month old to will notice there are no pictures of her with either Mark or Lauren, she refused. I was thankful to be able to even get a single picture of her.

As a birthday surprise for Rick I had several of the pictures enlarged and framed so he could have a collage of pictures of the kids at his new house.


Leah said...

The kids looked like they had quite the fun. I just love Katie's haircut...too cute.

Lindsey said...

The pictures turned out great. I love the one of Katie with her hand over her mouth.

kura2025 said...

I love Lauren's sweater!