Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Potty Voyeur

Mark believes going to the potty is a big production, and quite frankly with how long it has taken me to potty train him, it is a big production. He comes up to me and announces, in his loud, deep voice, "Mommy I have to go potty!" I tell him to head to the bathroom and start taking care of business.

As soon a Katie hears the announcement of Mark's bodily functions, she immediately follows him into the bathroom to voyeuristicly watch him "take care of business." If Mark tries to shut her out of the bathroom, she screams and pounds on the door. I can only hope that she is watching and learning so that potty training Katie will be a joy and delight, not a headache and nightmare.


Ciarran said...

Your blog is getting so risque! And Mark is going to kill when he gets older...

Arianne said...

that photo is just so funny, it made me laugh all over again!