We have this silly family tradition that we started several years ago, that when it storms during the summer time we sit together as a family on our front porch and watch the rain. The kids occasionally venture off the porch and run in circles around the lavender singing "Rain, rain go away, come again another day" until soaked or cold, which ever comes first. Saturday night a decidedly wicked summer storm came through complete with sheets of rain, blowing wind, to the tune of 49 MPH, and of course thunder and lightening. The perfect storm for watching.
Here is Mark headed out to make his rounds, with his Thomas blanket in tow.
Katie demanded to be part of the action, so Rick took her for a spin, with Lauren close behind, wrapped in her Strawberry Shortcake blanket.
The rain soaked, drenched, but delighted bunch.
I of course stayed high and dry on the porch, hey I straighten my hair on Saturday, I couldn't go messin that up! I am nothing if not vain.
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