With all of the bedding out of my guest bedroom due to the flood, my kids thought it would be a perfect opportunity to make a fort. Well, at least someone is finding joy in my misery.
Monday, May 31, 2010
The fort.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
Laker's RULE!
"Lakers Rule!" this was found on nearly every surface that you could write on in my house growing up. Rest assured it was not me that had a fondness for the Lakers, but rather my brother Jeron. Not much has changed since 1983.... In his mind the Lakers still rule.
Jeron came for a brief visit this week, and since it was the play off game against the Suns, we of course had to watch the game. I let the kids stay up past their bedtime to be indoctrinated by Jeron as to how and why the "Lakers Rule." My kids pretty much think uncle Jeron is about the coolest person on the planet. I am wondering if I need to be concerned....????
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:14 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The pool....
I have always wanted a house with a pool. I envisioned myself sitting poolside, cool drink in hand, basking in the warm sun, with wonderful trashy magazine or book. My children happily splashing about, beckoning me to join them in the water...
Well I have a pool, the only problem with my pool, its inside the house as opposed to outside. Not exactly the poolside I envisioned...
As you could see from my Monday post, we received quite a bit of snow. It was very wet snow, and when all was said and done there was probably an inch on the ground. By the afternoon the temperature was warming up and the very wet snow began to melt, and melt rather quickly.
Little did I know I had a gutter that was clogged. What does that mean? Well all the snow melting off my roof was not draining into gutter to eventually end up in my yard, it was falling off the side of my house and into two window wells in my basement. Yep, another flood. (Different room this time, wanted to spread the wealth around.) This is what I saw when I went into my guest bedroom on Monday afternoon. Yes, that three inch line you see in the window is the level of the water, just waiting to pour into my house for that pool I have envied all these years.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 12:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Slice and dice.
The verdict is in. Gallstones. Yep, I am going to be sliced and diced. (Date has yet to be determined.) Its a good thing, don't want to experience that pain again, and I do believe it will cure a few other things as well. What do I mean by that? Well for several months now I have had a pain in the right side of my body extending from my lower back up to my right shoulder blade. It has been an annoying pain, and it would come and go so I just attributed it to sleeping wrong, or sitting at my computer too long. Thanks to the comment from my cousin Brooke, I now know its related to my gallbladder! So take the sucker out!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:36 AM 6 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Just a little art...
I promised you I had a wall or two still to fill up in my living room, so here is one of the projects that now has take up residence on my wall. The raw materials. One frame, on clearance for $13.66. Some black and white wrapping paper. Sticks from my yard, two small birds nests, and five birds.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:11 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Katie!
Katie turned three! I was instructed to have a pink princess birthday party. Nothing less would do.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
When it rains it pours....
I arrived home to find a section of my basement, the craft room to be precise, flooded. Flooded as in water had come through the window well, down the counter and filed up several drawers, and spilled forth onto the floor. The carpet was squishy. The sprinklers has run the day before for the first time, so I figured that I probably had a broken sprinkler head or line. First order of business, turn off the sprinklers.
Second order of business, start mopping up water. Good news, home carpet cleaner is just the tool to accomplish that mission. I eventually determined there was so much water that I needed to pull up the carpet, and suck up the water from the pad. I suspect several days of fans to dry everything out. But on the bright side, with the fans running, pushing all the humid air through my house, its just about like living in a tropical paradise.....ok, maybe that's stretching it a bit....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:32 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
That was painful, round two.
Last Monday night I was kindly minding my own business around 10:00 p.m., and writing legal decisions for my Board on Tuesday. As of often do, (ok, I admit its a really bad, bad, bad habit) I like to much on something while I write. My munchie of choice on Monday, the Cheetos, puff variety. (Crunchy are my first choice, but I was out of those and Lauren and talked me into buying puffy last time we were at the grocery store.) As I was happily munching away, and writing away, I began to feel not so good. It started as an annoying pain my my side, (no, Rick was not here he was at his house....) the pain became more and more uncomfortable until it began to impact my ability to think and write. (Now mind you I have a high pain threshold, courtesy of my prosecution days.) After about 30 minutes I had to take a break from writing, by then then the Cheetos were long gone. The pain kept getting worse and I knew that something was wrong, this was more than indigestion from eating overly processed food.
I wondered if I was having a gallbladder attack. I quickly googled the symptoms, and I met nearly all the criteria. I called Linda, and told her what was happening and she agreed, and we decided that I needed another trip to the ER.
By the time she arrived at my house I was nearly in tears because of the pain. Courtney came with her to stay with the kids, and we jumped in the car.
Somewhere around the 300 north block of center street in Orem I instructed Linda to pull over. I rolled down the window, and deposited dinner and Cheetos. I am sure the Orem City street crew is so pleased with me. Just for good measure I left a few remains on the side of the car....
Once at Orem Community Hospital, (I will let you in on a little secret, if you live in Utah County go to Orem Community Hospital if you have a medical situation that is severe, but not life threatening. You see when people think of the ER they think of Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, which is a fine facility, but the wait time is horrible unless you are dying. No one thinks to go to Orem Community Hospital, and let me tell you BOTH times I have been there I was the ONLY patient, I got LOTS of attention, which is how it should be!) I was promptly admitted, and had a blood pressure of 165/85. Did in mention I was in pain???
Doctor agreed with me that I had all the classic symptoms of a gallbladder attack, and ordered me a lovely IV with my drug of choice, morphine. Within less than 60 seconds of the nurse injecting the morphine, relief swept over my body. I told her I loved her. The doctor came in and I told him I loved the nurse, he mentioned that he ordered the morphine, so I told him that I loved him too. Within 10 minutes no more pain. According to the doctor apparently my color was returning.
I was sent home with the instruction to stay away from Cheetos and other fatty food, and to obtain an ultra sound. Ultra sound scheduled this Thursday.......current diet, sucks....., but better than the alternative.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:08 AM 6 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Time for a trim.
Last Monday Rick took Mark up to Salt Lake to spend the night with him and have some male bonding. So the girls and I felt like we needed to have some female bonding. What do females do? We get our hair done of course!
Actually we were all in need of a trim. So to Great Clips we headed. Now the last time Katie had her lovely locks trimmed, was the short bob hair cut I gave her in November 2008. Both the girl and the hair have grown a little since then. This was her first official time getting a professional cut.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day.
Mother's Day. I really have a love/hate relationship with the holiday for a whole variety of reasons, but that is another post for a different blog.....
So lets focus on what was good and wonderful about Mother's Day this year. I received these beautiful flowers from a good friend of mine named Darrin, who sent me a wonderful note about what a great mother I am. It made my day.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
The cake boss.
In keeping with tradition, and to avoid bad karma from my mother, I set about to make Mark a birthday cake. This was the third year in a row he wanted a Thomas the tank engine birthday themed party. For the last two years I used a train cake pan to make two different Thomas cakes, but this year I just couldn't do the train cake pan again, I needed something different.....
Mark was delightfully happy. Ciarran called him on his birthday, and he was telling her about his cake and then proceeded to hold the telephone receiver up to the cake so she could "see" it.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:07 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Just some random thoughts on birthdays.....
Now I am out of control on my kids birthday, and I am the first to admit it. But recently as I was working on putting together Mark's birthday I was thinking about my pregnancy with him, the delivery, and aftermath with him in the NICU for a week. It was all quite overwhelming at the time it was happening. Fast forward six years later and I found myself working on all the birthday details, just to make sure he day was perfect.
It made me think, "Hey, I had to do all the work then, and I am doing all the work now! What is up with that??? Why are we celebrating him? Shouldn't we be celebrating me??? After all without me, HIM would not be possible!"
Oh, yeah, its a good thing Mother's Day is sandwiched between Mark's birthday and Katie's, otherwise I might revolt.......
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:20 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Mark's Birthday, part two...
Mark woke up on the morning of his birthday and came down stairs to discover the birthday fairy, i.e., mommy, had decorated for his birthday. He was most excited.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:50 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Mark's Birthday- part one....
Feel sorry for Mark's teacher, I do. For no less than six weeks all she has heard about was his birthday and his mom would be bringing cupcakes to school. You would think it was going to be a national holiday.
When Mark and I first approached the idea of his birthday and cupcakes, he wanted the names of Thomas trains on the cupcakes. Well to a class of kindergartners, I figured cupcakes with names such as Thomas, Gordon, Mavis, Percy, on the cupcake, might be a bit confusing and I could see more than one child demanding that the cupcake have their name, and not the name of a train.....
So we settled on cupcake name tags with the name of each kid, with Thomas stickers for decoration. Mark of course had to have quite the conversation with his teacher instructing her to email me the names of the kids, saying "You had better email my mom the class list." and "Did you email my mom the class list?" (Again feel sorry for his teacher..., although she did say that Mark is the only kid in her class that she could have a discussion about email with and who understand the concept of email....)
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:21 AM 1 comments