Making skirts is not just an activity I reserve exclusively for my children. I have been known on occasion to make an article of clothing for me. This is one such occasion. I found this fabric at Walmart of all places. It came pre-gathered on the top, and could be sewn into either a dress with straps or used as a skirt. I elected a skirt.It was very simple. I made one seam in the back to sew the flat piece of fabric into a tube shape. Pressed up the bottom hem, sewed it, and voila I was done. I had the grey tie from another skirt I bought this summer, but never did like the tie with the skirt it came with. However it is perfect for this skirt. Total cost of the project: $17.97 for one yard of fabric. (I know pricey for a yard of fabric, but the picture really does not do the fabric justice. The flowers are woven into the material, so it is not cheap fabric, nor does it look cheap in person)
Best part, the oohs and awe's I got a church when I came strutting in wearing my super cool skirt. Alright I am vain I admit it, blame my mother, I do.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Fun & Flair
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:24 AM 4 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Who says New Years is one day only????
My ultra awesome visiting teacher brought me a bottle of "bubbly" along with glasses and party poppers to celebrate the New Year. Since we spent New Years with at Grandma and Grandpa's house we did not get to use our gift on the date it was intended for so we decided a day or two later to revisit New Years.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
If she has one.....
As part of my new jewelry making hobby, I made a cute necklace for Lauren. Lauren sat at the table and helped me design it. Katie, not to be left out, was at the table too. I had not intended to make Katie a necklace, thinking she was a little young for a necklace that was not plastic, but Katie told me in no uncertain terms that if Lauren was going to have a necklace she would be having one too.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:44 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Bucket list, item #2
I am the accessory queen. A title I embrace fully and whole heartily, and I am not ashamed in the least to call my own. I have never met a piece of jewelry that did not agree with me.
After my trip to China and spending waaaayyyy toooooo much time in the jewelry section of the market I decided I needed to make jewelry making a new hobby.
Now the new hot item in Utah is pendants. These pendants have lobster claw claps on them so they can be enter changeable on a necklace. Some of the pendants are made with trays, and others have the design between to pieces of beveled glass, and soldered together with metal.
Well the soldering project seemed a little overwhelming so I decided to start with the trays. I ordered some tray blanks online and begin to experiment.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:54 AM 6 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Third Grade Sale.
Every year the third grade at Lauren's schools hosts a sale. One of the purposes of the sale is to learn about economics. Lauren had to decided what she wanted make, determine the cost to make the product, make the product, and price the product. Lauren chose flower bows.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:36 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Mark in letters
With the girls both having their names in wooden letters on the walls in their room, Mark, ever a protector of fairness and justice, let me know he needed his name on his wall too. So four wooden letters, a little scrapbook paper, and a few embellishments later, "Mark" now resides on the wall in his room.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Brave or Crazy, you decided, part three
Monday brought another fun activity, a place called Bullwinkle's, which had arcade games, and a giant play maze, like McDonald's, only much more intense. The best part, the maze was free to kids under three!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Brave or Crazy, you decided, part two
As you can imagine with two 2 year olds, dress up was the order of the day, EVERY day. Sometimes more than once a day.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:18 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Brave or Crazy, you decide, part one.....
Because I am the best big sister in the whole ENTIRE world, I traveled from my home in Utah to be with Arianne in Portland, post baby, and make sure she landed on her feet. (Truth be told, it was less about being a good sister, and more about avoiding be cursed by my mother...., ok not really, because I do love Arianne as if she was my own daughter, but the added side benefit is avoiding being cursed by my mother....)
Part of my job was to entertain Kallie so Arianne could bond with her new baby and get a little rest. Well the perfect person to aid in the entertainment of Kallie, is of course Katie.
I have to say Katie was a trooper in the car. We broke the trip down into two days, spending the first night in Idaho with Grandma Loretta.
One of the first orders of business was to go to the grocery store and obtain food, because in addition to entertaining Kallie, I needed to provide nourishing food for Arianne. I was feeling particularly brave and decided to venture to Albertsons with both two year olds.
Now you have to understand for both of these girls when they go to the grocery store, they are required to sit in the front of the cart, its all about containment of a two year old. However because we were no longer in Utah county, home of grocery carts that seat many a child, there was only one seat and two girls. This meant those girls were free range....and free range they were.....
We started out in the produce section, not necessarily by choice, but simply because it was closest to where we walked in. The freedom was a little much for them to handle. They were running around the produce section, tossing random fruits and vegetables into my cart, basically anything below 36 inches in height that they could get their hands on. Meanwhile I am trying to restock the produce section with items from my cart, while obtaining the items I actually needed.
At one point while I was mulling over bananas, the cart was commandeered from my side by the girls, and driven right into the bakery section, specifically right into a bakery display, knocking over sweet and delicious products, with a loud bang. Ummmm.....lets just say the experience did not get any better after that and ended with Kallie chasing Katie in the cereal isle, which resulted in Kallie falling and hit her head.....I do believe I have been banned from the Albersons located on Wilsonville Road, in Wilsonville Oregon.
For the record I want it to be know by shoppers in the store that day, just come to Utah county and go to the grocery store, you will see our behavior was really not THAT bad! And to Albertsons, come to Utah county and you will understand how to kid proof your store, I hold you partially to blame, after all don't you understand all the attractive nuisances you create for two year olds???? (That a legal term you know, go ask your corporate counsel)
After our experience at the grocery store I decided the next day's activity needed to be more kid friendly, and much more contained, the kids play area at the mall. I told Arianne as we left that I expected to be gone for a while, because I was going to let those girls run wild until they begged to come home....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Meet my new niece!!!!
Arianne had a baby, and I got a new niece. In other words, she did all the hard work, and I get the rewards! Meet Charlotte Aleah Smith. I went to Portland to spend some time with Arianne and spoil her, Keith, Kallie and of course Charlotte. Plus now I have to rely on Arianne for a baby fix, seeing as how my factory has closed.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:09 AM 3 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
Before and After
The prior owners of my house left a few choice things behind. I don't know maybe they just ran out of boxes??? One of the things they left behind was this picture and frame of a tulip. For the last seven years it has been hanging in a bathroom in my basement. Well recently I decided to 'style' up that bathroom, so that as you were taking care of 'business' you could enjoy a stylish retreat. (I have been watching way toooooo much HGTV.) The tulip picture really didn't cut it with my new decor. But the frame (not the color of the frame) and size were prefect for the bathroom.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:07 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Somewhere in the universe....
This arrived unsolicited in my mail on Tuesday...... Apparently somewhere someone in the universe thinks I have a much more exciting life than I actually do........ I'd really like to meet them!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:04 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
This can't be good....
Sunday night I was in the kitchen preparing a fine meal of macaroni and cheese when Mark ventured upstairs to show me his green hands. I could tell that he had been in the paint....I told him to go to the sink and wash his hands and I proceeded down stairs to asses the damage, and was met by Katie coming up stairs, and this is how I found her clothing....not to mention the blue paint covering her legs and feet. Then I was scared..... I immediately yelled at Lauren. She had the paint out on Friday afternoon when one of her friends was over and they decided to do an art project. Earlier on Sunday afternoon I asked her to pick up the paint and put it away, in order to avoid just this sort of catastrophe. Clearly she thought my instruction was optional, as opposed to mandatory.
I took Mark and Katie to the kitchen sink removed clothing and washed them down. Then it was on the the basement to determine the damage.... About half the floor in the dance studio was covered in blue and green paint. Good news, it was Crayola paint so I knew water would remove the paint and there would be no lasting damage. In my haste to clean up the mess before it dried and my hysteria in the fact that I had paint on my floor, I did not take a picture, so you will have to use your imagination.
Paint got clean up, Lauren's punishment was to pick up all the toys in the basement, which after a weekend of the kids playing is no small feat...she was not pleased, but the message was received, that when mommy says put something away, she expects it to be put away.
FYI, my house is now paint free, I threw it all away. In addition I took the dry erase markers and put them up high, available upon request only. You see the paint incident followed last weekend's incident of a black crayon that was crushed up with little bits of crayon spread all over the dance floor and ground into the floor.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:13 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Tea anyone?
I was beginning to think that Santa had inadvertently left one of his elves at my house. For about 10 days I would go into my dining room to find items removed from the cupboard and placed on the table. I would put the items away, but within a day or two they would be back out.
I could never catch the culprit, hence the elf theory. Finally Katie fessed up and informed me that she was having a "tea" party in the dining room. Apparently her plastic tea set would just not suffice anymore and in order to have a proper tea party, she needed to be using the real stuff, in a real room, that appeared to be designed for tea. After all in her life we have never actually "eaten" in the dining room, so it was logical for her to conclude that it was a very proper room to serve tea.
So next time you come to my house don't be surprised if Katie invites you to tea.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:04 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Bucket List, item #1
New year, new hair! To celebrate Boise State going to the Fiesta Bowl, I colored my hair. Well more precisely during the game my friend, and stylist Molly, colored my hair.
I have been blond all my life, mostly. I was born with dark hair, but that all eventually fell out and the locks that replaced all that dark hair were blond. As time and nature took its course and my hair darkened, I made frequent visits to my stylist to remind my hair that it truly wanted to be blond, despite what its DNA was telling it.
Well it was time for a change.....Now more than one individual in my life accused me of making this change in haste as a response to all the craziness of the last few months, but I assure you this is a change I have been contemplating for quite some time. I just finally got the guts to act on it.
And because I clearly have no shame, as evidence by my many self deprecating blog posts, I am willing to share all the details of what it takes to transform my life, errr, I mean my hair....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:42 AM 7 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
If you are my secretary.....
If you are one of my secretaries, then this is what you found in a smartly wrapped little box on your desk for Christmas.
You see I have the best secretaries in the ENTIRE world. They make me look really brilliant, much more so than I am. I can't spell or proof read, and if you have read my blog for any amount of time you know that to be true. (I would seriously have them do editing on my blog if it were not for those pesky human resource people who seem to think that violates about a million different policies....HR really needs to learn to think outside the box a little...)
My secretaries not only proof read and spell check all my decisions to ensure that anything that goes out with my name on it looks like I am an intelligent human being, they also have to deal with all the crabby people on the phone who are upset with either a decision I made or are wondering why I am not making a decision more quickly. They sort through the hundreds of pieces of mail I receive each week, they organize my cases, send them out for transcripts, schedule my cases, give me my cases each week in a nice neat pile with little tabs for each case, they file my cases when I done, they do endless amounts of computer work associated with each one of my cases, but most importantly they don't complain about having to work with me. (Well at least they don't complain to my face!) So at Christmas time I try to give them a small token of my appreciation, for just being the wonderful staff that they are! This year I made them these clips. It is a metal tray that I put scrapbook paper in, blinged it out, and covered in resin. I added charms, a chain and a clip. They can clip these on to their key chains, purse, or even their name badge for the office. And hopefully they will think of me fondly when the see it.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:31 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Bucket List.
Welcome 2010! Rather than set goals for the new year I decided I would make a bucket list, (not that I plan on dying in 2010...) but rather I thought it might be a fun way to do some new things in 2010. So here is the list.....
1. Change hair color
2. Learn to make jewelry
3. Climb the "Y" in honor of 20 years since college graduation, (yikes I am old), which was the last time I climbed the "Y"
4. Visit a new city. (In America, I am sooooo over foreign travel...see China post circa, October 2009)
5. Learn to use Photoshop
6. Prefect my awesome sense of style and taste.
7. Be more humble.....
8. Play more games with the kids
9. Clean out the garage
10. Invite five different people to go to lunch with me that I have never taken to lunch.
11. Listen to five new music artists and incorporate their music into my itunes.
12. Buy lemonade/Popsicle from a kid's stand during the summer
13. Sit on the deck during a hot summer night and admire the night sky.
14. Learn to use the Gypsy machine I bought to go with my Cricut
15. Paint a room in my house, some color other than beige!
Here's to a happy, fun and different 2010!!!!!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:44 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
When mommy says no....
When mommy says "no" you can't have a tattoo, despite how cool you think they are, then you must simply take matters into your own hands, and self tattoo. I have a feeling I might be having this discussion several more times in the future.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:25 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
No more Chinese toilet!
As fun and unique as it has been to have a Chinese toilet in my house, well it just really wasn't my style. Plus I did not think that Katie would potty train Chinese style. So I got my floor fixed and got a new toilet.
Grandpa came over to do the installation of the new toilet and Mark, seeing that tools were going to be involved, decided he needed to be involved.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!!!
New Years Eve: Food, movies, food, games, food, puzzles, food, playing with cousins, food, gossiping about everyone in the family who was not there, food, party poppers, food, party hats, food, sparkling cider to ring in the new year, food, and finally did I mention food?
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 3:11 AM 1 comments