Per tradition, my children are forced to dress in their Christmas finest, and pose for their annual picture in front of the Christmas tree.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Official Christmas Pictures.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas day, the rest of the story....
I love Christmas day after all the presents are opened, and wrapping paper and boxes properly disposed of. My children are highly entertained with new toys, fighting and bickering is nearly non existent, and I get a NAP, with minimal interruptions!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:36 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Morning.
With anticipation in their little hearts that Santa had visited, my children reluctantly posed for a picture on the stairs before proceeding down stairs to see if anything was left for them.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:46 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
Cookies for Santa.
Since our mom was neglectful in making cookies this Christmas, we had to "bum" some sugar cookies off of grandma in order to make sure that Santa was properly nourished for hauling all our toys down the chimney. We elected to hang our stocking by the couch with care, because well, the stocking hangers on the chimney would just not be strong enough to support all our expected loot.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas was quickly approaching, and we had yet to pay a visit to Santa. The kids were afraid that if this visit did not occur soon, the big guy might not know what they wanted. So we dressed in our Sunday finest and had our date with Santa.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:58 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
We're making our list and checking it twice.....
A few weeks ago I was feeling particularly brave or crazy, not sure which...., and I took my children to Toys R Us on a Saturday night. The purpose of this visit was to see if they had a replacement battery for Lauren's snazzy yellow corvette. (No luck) But I decided while I was there to let my kids look around at things they may want to put on their Christmas list. The store was already trashed due to Christmas shopping, so I figured my children couldn't do any more damage than had already been done.
As for Lauren, a Nintendo DS, (pink of course) is on her list, along with a whole slew of games she believes she needs....we will see.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cookie Dough!
A couple of months ago I published a post about a "Dinner Diva's" group that we have in my ward. We meet once a month and cook together, each taking home dinners that can be placed in the freezer and pulled out on a night you don't know what to make for dinner, in other words, every night of the week!
For the month of December we decided to do a cookie exchange, with a twist. Instead of bringing baked cookies, we brought frozen dough, and one batch of baked cookies for everyone to try. We ate, talked, and swapped cookie dough, and recipes. Since it was December I decided to make gingerbread. I wrapped up my dough all fancy from an idea I stole from someone else's blog. I freely admit that when it comes to originality, I am lacking, but when it comes to copying someone else's idea, I am the QUEEN! I froze my dough in a log shape, covered in plastic wrap. After it was frozen, I wrapped it in butcher paper, tying the ends with ribbon. The center section is just a piece if wrapping paper around the middle.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Who knew?????
While in Idaho for my dad's funeral I discovered that Chucky Clause has a cousin. This is my step brother Steve's stocking from when he was a little boy. Looks just like Chucky Clause. Hummmm....I am sensing a movie about scary Santas.......
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A nut
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 2:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The infinate power of hope.
Its just been a crappy few weeks, for a variety of reasons. I seem to be unable to escape drama in any area of my life. Just when I thought I had reached my capacity to deal with life, new challenges keep being thrown my way, requiring me to push that limit further and further.
Last Thursday had been a particularly challenging day. I was struggling with changes to our business, trying to keep on top of all my cases for work, and had just learned that my dad had been taken to the hospital via ambulance.
That morning I had worn a beautiful scarf one of my friends had given me for my birthday. In the early afternoon I sent my friend a text telling her how beautiful I felt in her scarf. She replied and asked me if I had heard the good news of another friend, Jamie. I said that I had not. She then told me that Jamie had gotten a baby girl the previous Friday. What wonderful news this was. Jamie has two great boys, but always wanted to be a mother to a little girl. Unable to have children she and her husband had been trying to adopt for quite some time.
They were all set to go to China two years ago, around the time I was pregnant with Katie and we discussed how our girls would be the same age. China fell through and kept getting postponed to the point that all hope was lost. They were picked several times by birth mothers only to have the adoption fall through. Last summer a break in the water main for the city sent their back yard sliding off the hill and destabilizing their house that was only four years old, resulting in them moving out of the ward.
Now a baby. A miracle baby. The baby they wanted and waited for, for over 6 years. It filled my heart with love. It reminded me that Heavenly Father does things according to his will, and that although we go through periods of time in our lives that seem dark, cold and filled with loneliness, hope promises us better days.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:47 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
In memorial.......
With all stress of recent events my body decided it needed a suitable manner in which to honor my father. The bacteria located specifically on my chin, decided to congregate in a facial pore and begin to have a little party. It was the best party to have if you are a microorganism. It’s a party that begins deep below the skin’s surface, inflicting as much pain as possible before becoming visible to the naked eye. Once visible to the naked eye the bacteria have multiplied, and invited all sorts of liquid to join the party, resulting in one very large and noticeable red spot appearing on the chin.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:37 AM 3 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Make up and other such things....
Somewhere in a trash can on the third floor of St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center lays the remains of my Saturday make up. It can be found on 27 tear stained Kleenex. (The good kind, with lotion of course.) It was never my intent to remove my make up in such a fashion, but life happens when you are making other plans.
On Saturday morning as I was putting on my make up, I reflected on the last 20 years of my life….and sat in awe at the things that have occurred, the people whose lives have changed me, the people whose lives I have changed, and all the experiences, and growth along the way. It is a story that if I had read it, surely it would be fiction.
December 13, 1989 I was crying my make up off for entirely different reasons. I had just finished Washington Seminar, which was the crowning jewel of my college experience. I was sad to leave a city that I had grown so fond of, and friends that had become so close. I returned home, not knowing that in a month’s time I would lose my mother to cancer, an event that would color the rest of my life, and impact me in ways I could not anticipate. An event that would force me to stretch and grow in new ways, an event that would set in motion the next 20 years of my life and prepare me for what was to come….
Over the course of that 20 years I would mature, I would grow, I would learn to love new people in new ways, and the life that existed for the first 22 years of my life would morph into a new life, one that often times I had difficulty recognizing, but eventually I would come to accept and find peace with, and continue to be at peace with as it evolved over the years. A new life that was rich and full, and new life where I learned to be comfortable in my own skin, a new life that also brought heartache and sorrow, with the promise of joy and peace. A new life that was mine.
With my make up done, and having waxed philosophical, I pressed forward with what I anticipated would be a challenging day, wondering why I bothered to even put my make up on, but realizing that by putting my make up on I was hoping that it would not come off, as opposed to resigning myself that it would.
I arrived at St. Alphonsus knowing my father’s health was critical. He was in ICU, fighting the systems in his body that were failing him. Deep in my heart I knew it was not a battle he would win…..and that he needed us to let him go, a realization we all knew.
Knowing my dad, we all knew that extra ordinary life saving measures would not be his wish. He would not want to stay trapped in body that had already betrayed him years ago. If it came to that point he would want to move on, a decision probably easier for him than for us.
We, being myself, Loretta, Jeron, Arianne, and Ciarran, gathered, all of us knowing what our cumulative decision would be. The medical staff removed the BiaPak that was forcing air down his lungs, allowing him to communicate more freely with us. Through his pain and struggling to breathe, he could hear us, he could respond to us, he could understand what we said and respond with a smile, or a blink of his eyes. Jeron said a few individual words, and then I spoke for us children as a whole, telling him what an incredible father he had been, how much we loved him and that he needed to tell mom what a good job he did raising us. With the mention of my mother his eyes opened widely. She was close, I knew it and he knew it, and everyone else in the room knew it. I thought of my mom often during the day, how she was waiting for him, how she would welcome him. Then I thought of my grandparents, his parents, and how excited they would be to see him and him to see them. I thought of the many others that were waiting for him. Then I thought of how much we would miss him in our lives. The emptiness that would be there. The feelings of loneliness and grief that would occupy that space in our hearts once filled by the moments of spending time with him. The change in our lives, that death inevitably brings. The close of one chapter, the opening of another.
After speaking collectively, we spoke individually and each had an opportunity to say good bye and tell him that we loved him. He in turn, although difficult, was able to tell us that he loved us. It was closure that none of us were able to have 20 years ago with our mother. Loretta got to express her love, tell him she forgave him for not keeping his promise of 30 years together, and kiss him good night. We then told stories and made him chuckle though struggling to breathe.
Finally it was time. Time to remove all artificial means of support, all medication, and just let nature take its course. Once the oxygen was turned off suddenly the room was quiet. I don’t think any of us realized how much noise the oxygen machine was making. But it was a good silence, a peaceful silence, a silence that gave all of us a moment or two to reflect in our own thoughts.
The morphine gave relief. Over the course of the next hour and a half he struggled, struggled for every breath. Dying is not easy, it’s a fight. The body instinctively wants to fight dying. Instinctively the body wants to live, even when every system is shutting down. He was hooked to machines that monitored his blood pressure, oxygen and heart rate. We all gathered around his bed. From my vantage point I could see the numbers of the machine. I could see the numbers drop as his body was finally giving in to what was occurring. His breathing was short breaths, and becoming more sporadic. The end was close. I called for the nurse. Eventually he stopped breathing and it took about a minute for his heart to flat line. We sat in pondered silence, each reflecting on our loss, his happy reunion, and what now lay ahead, both in the short term and the long term. But, ultimately thankful for the part that he played in our lives, the example that he was, but most of all grateful that he was our father and husband.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 2:36 PM 20 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
To celebrate my birthday, Arianne brought a fun craft to Utah for both of us to work on. These are chip boards that we have covered in scrapbook paper and tied together with ribbon. I made these to match my fun "Believe" blocks.
She is a sister who knows exactly how I like to celebrate my birthday!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The tour....
Today is the day of the big Christmas tour at my house. For those of you wondering why I have been so feverishly working on my house, it is because I was asked to be on the Christmas tour of homes which is a fund raiser for the Utah Valley Symphony. It is the reason I have been over the top with decorating projects, fixing everything broken in my house, and polishing up my house to a spotless condition.
Actually I have not minded. It has given me a deadline for all sorts of home improvement projects that normally you say "yeah I will get to that."
Now the tour is basically self directed. People come to the door and a hostess greets them, checks their ticket and they are free to roam as much or as little of your house as you allow. Well as you know from reading my blog, nothing is sacred, so I am letting them self tour the entire house.
Mark, in an effort to be helpful, has self appointed himself as a tour guide. Recently whenever anyone comes to our house he demands that they take a tour, with him as the guide. Over Thanksgiving, Krista and Carl stopped by, and of course they were accosted for a tour. Once they got to the basement, Mark announced "Welcome to the basement, where fun is all around."
Yep that pretty much describes my basement, fun all around. Endless toys for the kids, crafting for me and the coolest guest bedroom on the planet. Perhaps during the Christmas tour I will give the people the option of self tour or tour by Mark....because he is pretty good at describing the features of my house!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 3:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Recently Lauren was watching an interview with Taylor Swift, whom she happens to adore. Part of the interview covered the incident that occurred at the VMA's when Kanye West stole the microphone from Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech. Despite the intense media coverage when it occurred, Lauren was unaware of the incident. After seeing it on the interview she felt compelled to write a letter to Kanye West.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:47 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Chucky Clause
I love this guy. I have literally grown up with him. From the time I was one year old, and all throughout my childhood, every Christmas he would appear and take up residence on a chair in our living room. At some point during the holiday season I would have my picture taken with him. He is circa 1960's and came to my house from my dad's furniture store.
If you look closely at his nose its clearly been chewed on, by me of course, in my effort to "love" him, although my mother might have a different take on my vandalism.... His rosy cheeks are minus a little of their rose color. His white beard is a little grey with 42 years of dirt, grim and probably drool from small children. He smells old. But I still love him.I managed to take possession of him when my dad moved out of my childhood home. Over the course of the last few years, he has only made an occasional appearance at Christmas time. You see, as much as I love him, apparently he frightens members of my family..... They think he is creepy. So creepy in fact, he has been re-named Chucky Clause. (After the "chucky" movie with the possessed doll.) I have been prohibited from allowing him to sit in the living room for fear that someone coming around the corner will catch him out of the corner of their eye and be frightened.
So for now enjoy a trip through my childhood and my memories of my beloved Santa.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:04 AM 4 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Lost in translation, part 2....
A few weeks ago I wrote about my cleaning lady and her love of daily shower cleaner, specifically her belief that it is an all purpose cleaner. Well last week I decided I had enough of my house being scrubbed down with daily shower cleaner and provided a brand new bottle all purpose Lysol.
At the conclusion of her three hour cleaning session she asked me to purchase a different product because the Lysol was too toxic. (She really wants that daily shower cleaner back...) After she left I pulled out the Lysol to see how toxic it was. Here is was I found, a bottle in which 2/3 of it was used during a three hour cleaning session. And she wondered why it was toxic???!!!!!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 7:50 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
Earlier in the week I wrote about the fun crafting party we had the day after Thanksgiving. Here is how my project turned out, and if you want to know how Arianne's looked, look at mine, she is a big copy cat!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:41 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Slumber Party?
The last night of Arianne's visit we allowed Kallie and Katie to have a slumber party in Katie's bed. Now neither girl really understood what a slumber party was, but they both knew it was something that sounded fun, and keep repeating "slumber party!" In matching Pj's both girls got tucked into bed, with the necessary blankets and stuffed animals of course.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Girls night in.
Friday night, Thanksgiving was over, black Friday shopping was done, it was time to craft. Krista and Jenni were in town for the weekend so I invited them over to my house, along with Courtney and Linda, to join Arianne and me in making cute holiday craft.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:30 AM 1 comments