What is really freaky about these two, is not only do they look alike, like the same things, they sound alike. When one of them cries, both Arianne and I turn and look, because we can't tell their cries apart. They really were ment to come here together, I have no doubt.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Together at last, we're two of a kind....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Good old fashion hospitality.
Late Wednesday night my sister Arianne arrived for a visit. She and I have been looking forward to this all summer. At least once a year, and twice if we can get away with it, we like to get together, so we can honor our mother by staying up late into the night crafting and chatting. An activity and time of day we believe she would fully embrace.
Lauren and Mark love to see Arianne and both kept asking me all day on Wednesday when she was going to arrive. They were also excited because she was bringing Kallie with her, or a least Lauren was excited about that! I told both of them it would be late, after they had gone to bed and they would see her on Thursday morning.
On Thursday morning one of the first questions Mark asked me was when Arianne was coming. I explained to him that she was already at our house, asleep in our new guest bedroom in the basement. He immediately wanted to go wake her up. I suggested that we let her sleep, knowing that despite our late hour the night before, Kallie would wake her up soon enough. Soon she woke up and there were hugs and kisses all around.
After about two hours Mark asked Arianne when she was going to leave. Arianne explained that she was going to stay for a few days. Then he asked if she would be staying for lunch. She explained that she would.
After lunch Mark approached me and asked "When is Arianne going to leave?" I explained to him she was going to visit for a few days. He said "She is causing me stress." A statement he repeated several times during the afternoon when Kallie was threatening his toys. Later in the afternoon he asked Arianne if she was going to stay for dinner....
Yeah, come to our house we have a four year old who will make you feel soooo welcome.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How to Eat a Cupcake, By: Lauren & Mark Vincent
Both love frosting and are its hugest fans.
Plain and boring, not delicious anymore, you see cupcakes are for eating frosting, and nothing more.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
AN OPEN MEMO TO ALL THE MEN IN MY LIFE, ok at least the ones who are LDS.
Is Elder’s Quorum (EQ) putting you to sleep? Is High Priest's Group (HPG) challenging your testimony with all its false doctrine? Are you tired of lessons with no preparation, and seemingly no direction? Do you wonder why you are being tortured during the third hour of church by having to spend your time in EQ or HPG when there are so many more productive things you could be doing? Is this some sort of punishment for past wrong doings or just the Lord’s way of seeing if you will endure to the end?
I have the answer for you. DEFECT to Relief Society. That’s right when Sunday School is over just refuse to leave the Relief Society room. You will find in Relief Society a table decorated with a lovely centerpiece, warm and inviting announcements, a well prepared lesson that actually stays on topic, interesting and spiritual discussion, plus the scenery and smell is not bad either. On a good day you might even get a hand out or a treat. All of this is courtesy of the over preparation, perfectionist syndrome we Mormon sisters have had inbred in us since our days spent in Young Women. (Trust me on this if you think RS is overdone, spend ONE Sunday in YW). You don’t have to make your defection permanent. Just let the Bishop, EQP or HPGL know that you will be happy to return once the message is conveyed to the teachers that the purpose of EQ and HPG is to actually study the gospel, and not discuss false doctrine or the philosophy of men. In the mean time while your leaders are scratching their heads, wondering if this is covered in the General Handbook of Instructions you will enjoy the love and sisterhood of Relief Society.
If you really want to make a statement, don’t defect, just put on a dress and wig, come to Relief Society and introduce yourself as a new sister in the Ward. You will really get the royal treatment then. However I must caution you, that might actually be covered in the General Handbook of Instructions, and not in a positive way…..
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:57 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Once a year.
1. Have a root canal.
2. Babysit 6 kids under 5 all day.
3. Sit through a piano/dance recital not involving my child.
4. Listen to a 30 minute tantrum from Mark.
5. Go to Costco on a Saturday morning.
6. Go to Macey's grocery store on a Saturday night.
7. Fight traffic after Stadium of Fire or a BYU football game.
8. Sit through sacrament meeting twice in one day with my children.
9. Go to the OB/GYN for an annual check-up.
10. Mow the lawn.
The proceeding is a list of things I would rather do, other than what I had to do on Saturday. Now generally speaking I am a very clean person, and keep everything in my house clean and organized. Ok, lets just say it, "Tiffany is a clean/neat freak." Its true, I admit it. I probably need some sort of counseling for my disorder, because I am compulsive. That being said, I do have an area of weakness, my shower.
I HATE to clean the shower. Don't ask me why, I have no explanation, I just don't enjoy it at all. I have never liked to clean the shower. For one thing it is nearly impossible to clean the shower without ending up totally wet. It's hard, soap scum does not easily come off, and hard water spots are the pits. Now I know I could use a daily shower cleaner, and my shower clean up would be minimal, however I would have to remember to use the daily shower cleaner, and usually in the morning when I shower I am running late because I inherited my mother's dislike of getting up in the morning, and her like of nice sleep in the morning. So, daily shower cleaning has not really worked for me.
As a result I clean my shower once a year. Yes, you read that correctly I let all the soap scum, hard water spots, dirt, and mold build up for one year and then I clean the shower. I usually devote a block of time, at least one hour to this project. Saturday was the designated day for shower cleaning.
After cleaning.
Upon completion I re-filled my daily shower cleaner and made a vow to myself to use it daily to discourage soap scum and hard water build up. I am now taking bets on how long that will last. FYI, I have taken two showers in the recently cleaned shower, and still have not used the daily cleaner.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:28 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Monkey Business
In the wake of Grandma, Grandpa, Courtney and Matt moving out, a rather large DI pile was left in my living room. I have not taken it to the DI yet because I keep adding to it..and with today's gas prices, I want to economize my driving! Well my children seem to think the rules for the DI pile are "finders keepers, losers weepers." They keep finding "treasures" in the pile that simply cannot be given away at any cost. Mark found an old pair of slippers, formerly occupied by Courtney, and decided to "make them his own." The slippers are about three times too big for him and he can hardly keep them on his feet, but that has not deterred his determination to wear monkeys on his feet. Well I guess it is better than the dirt he usually wears on his feet.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A New Bottle
For the last 12 months Katie has closely observed that 3 out of 4 adults in her life have a beverage of choice that comes in a silver can with red lettering. Katie has noted that those adults consume large quantities of this beverage, and every morning it is the first thing both mommy and grandma reach for. Katie has also noted that when heads are turned, Lauren and Mark swipe sips of both mommy and grandma's beverages, leading mommy and grandma to believe they actually consume larger quantities of the beverage than they actually do. By using her superior powers of reasoning, Katie has concluded that this beverage must be of some importance, due to the high demand placed upon its consumption.
Katie conned grandpa into giving her her first sip of that mysterious beverage in the silver can with red lettering, also know as Diet Coke, so that she could join the Diet Coke following that exisits in her house. One sip was all it took and a new addict was born.
Now whenever Katie see a Diet Coke can, she begs for a sip. For those of you seeking to cut back on your Diet Coke consumption, might I recommend allowing three children to drink from you can, the result will be only a sip or two for you.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:21 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
WARNING: Do not leave yellow highlighters within reach of 15 month old babies. I had an exceptionally large case load this week, hence my binder of cases followed me where ever I went, much like Katie does. Always near the binder is my highlighter. Katie managed to locate my highlighter, pull the lid off and highlight her self. What she does not realize is generally highlights look better in your hair rather than on your leg. Good news, highlighter is easily washed off with baby wipes.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
If my eyes are looking a little blood shot, if my energy level is down, if I look like I could use a good nap, then you know what I have been doing, watching endless amounts of Olympic coverage. I know it seems a little contrary to my generally anti-sports attitude, but I just can't help but be sucked in by all the excitement, patriotism, and riveting Bob Costas interviews.
I do prefer the individual sports to the team sports, I just can't get into basketball, baseball, water polo, and volleyball. They games are too long, and I just don't have that kind of attention span, my kids have made me ADHD. I want to see something fast and quick. Immediate gratification I demand. I have to admit I have been watching the BMX racing, and I like it, who knew????
Of course my favorite is the women's gymnastics. Their ability to tumble, flip, balance and be graceful while facing some of the most pressure packed competition just plain entertaining to watch. Although I do admit the new judging system sucks. I am not sure it is any better or more fair than what they had before.
My only complaint is, would someone PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, tell the Chinese, Russians, and Romanians, that blue and purple eyeshadow is sooooo 1980's! I can't take it any more!!!!!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:31 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
He strikes again...
Mark brought this container to me and said:
"I ran over the little mini container."
I replied, "What did you run over it with?"
"My foot. It struck like lightening."
According to Rick who witnessed the incident, it also sounded like lightening.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
First day of School!!!!
Apparently Provo School District has not looked at a calendar lately, or if they have they confused the month of August with the month of September. School started yesterday, that's right yesterday, August 18, 2008, right smack in the middle of summer. Its still 95 degrees outside..summer I say! Well in the interest of not wanting to face truancy charges for not properly delivering my children to school, I gathered school supplies, purchased new clothes, and even made Lauren a cold lunch, all in preparation for the first day of school.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:57 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Taming of the bush
I had to tame my bushes because they had grown out of control. The only problem is bushes do not listen very well, and in about six week they will need to be tamed again. Humm...sounds like my children....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Mama, I'm a big girl now!
The other day when mommy was emptying the dishwasher, and I was helping of course, she noticed that one of the sippy cup lids was missing its valve. For those of you not familiar with sippy cups, the valve is what keeps the liquid from spilling out of the cup. Mommy had an idea. She put water in an empty cup and placed the lid without the valve on it. She then placed the cup to my mouth. WOW, liquid comes of of this cup. I was quite surprised. Mommy allowed me to drink like this for about a minute, then she put the lid with the valve on the cup. Once I understood that I could obtain liquid from the cup, I vigorously began to suck, and considered myself to be quite important, because I had mastered the sippy cup. Since then I DEMAND a sippy cup first thing in the morning and "nurse" it all day long.
As an added bonus, mastery of the sippy cup helped me to understand the concept of the straw. No more loud, shrill sounds of frustration for me on this issue.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Too much Food Network
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
This is why we have Grandma's
Thursday is a grandma day, since mommy works. Grandma was brave and ventured to the park with Lauren, Mark and Katie, for a picnic and park fun. Picnic was provided by Taco Time, park equipment courtesy of Provo City.
You know we have one of these in our back yard, why is it the park ones are better?
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:33 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A favorite "the cars," like we don't own our own battery powered bright yellow Corvette. Oh yeah mommy has been refusing to get it down from the top of the garage this year. Too old and tired to chase three kids around the neighborhood while car is being driven down the street.
Katie checking out the carousel.
Lauren "hamming" it up for the camera. Been watching too much America's Next Top Model.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:42 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Super Star!!
We put radio Disney on, grabbed the karaoke microphones, and pretended that we were Superstars! Even Katie wanted in on this action, she kept begging for a microphone. We jammed and rocked for a good 30 minutes. Watch out Hannah Montana, here comes Lauren. Mark, well he is working on his rhythm.....
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:31 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Batter up!
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:49 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Recovering light-o-holic
I am afraid of my kitchen lights. There I said it. Flat out, darn right scared. They say the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem and yes I have a problem with my kitchen lights.
This problem began in 1994 during construction of my home. The original occupants of this house felt the need to use top of the line, state of the art, EVERYTHING, including the finest most modern computer system that would govern the lights, temperature, security and just about everything else in the house. The theory was each room would have a motion sensor, and when an individual entered the room it would sense motion and automatically turn the lights on. Without continued movement in the room the lights would go off. This would save power, time and trouble, especially if you have pesky teenagers who have only met light switches that turn on and are truly amazed when it is revealed to them that light switches also turn off.
Well the only problem with top of the line, state of the art systems, especially if a computer is involved, is in very short order they become out dated and obsolete. Now I do have to give credit to the original occupants of this house they were smart enough to MOVE out of the house before the system began to deteriorate. The original occupants of the house sold it to the interim occupants who ended up leaving the house vacant for about 18 months before we purchased the house in 2002. Houses are not happy when left unoccupied. They want to feel the love of those who live in them. Without occupants they tend to rebel and self destruct. My house was no exception.
One of the problems we discovered shortly after purchase, was the mother board in the computer system running our house was bad, and the company who originally designed and made the system, was of course out of business. The cost to replace the system $20,000, yeah let me just write a check…. Well for the short term we had an electrician remove the heating and cooling from the computer and return it to manual so at least we could regulate the temperature in the house. We decided to live with the odd lighting. Now when I say odd lighting, in some room the motion sensors would respond and automatically turn on lights, in other rooms you would have to manually turn on lights, and some room ghosts were controlling the lights and they would go on and off regardless of instructions from the motion sensor or the manual control. It was actually kind of comical until the kitchen lights became stuck on. This occurred approximately 3 years into the marriage with our house.
The motion sensor in the kitchen never worked, and the lights in the kitchen had to be manually turned on and off, but it was still done through the computer. The manual override in the kitchen would not override the computer and the lights remained on. Now when I say lights, I mean a bank of 11 canister lights, each burning a 65 watt bulb, do the math on how much power I was sucking up. The first time this occurred the lights remained on for a period of about 5 days, then one day for no apparent reason, they went off, and there was much rejoicing in the land. This pattern of lights stuck on, and mysteriously going off continued for quite some time with no rhyme or reason to it. Last year the lights finally became permanently stuck on, as in for a period of about four months they would not go off. I was burning through power and light bulbs like you would not believe. It was time for action. Rick’s step brother Spencer, who is an electrician, looked at our system and determined we had a bad something and took a good something out of another something in our house and replaced it in the kitchen. Glory be to Spencer, the kitchen lights were finally off and the manual override switch was functioning properly. Spencer warned us this something would probably go bad too and eventually we needed to pull all our lights off of the computer system and limit ourselves to strictly manual operation of the lights. (As easy as that sounds it is VERY expensive)
Approximately three weeks ago I noticed the kitchen lights were stuck on AGAIN. I was despondent. NO not again, more frustration, more burnt out light bulbs, higher power bills, a hotter house, (you really do not realize how much heat 11, 65 watt bulbs can make), the neighbors wondering if we ever went to bed? I cursed the first occupants of this house and their need for top of the line, state of the art everything.
Well we left our house unattended for three days last week-end when Rick and I went to San Francisco, and the kids stayed with grandma. This was the first time in six years the house has been left unattended for any significant amount of time. I think the house thought we had abandoned it, and recalled its days of unattended neglect prior to our purchase in 2002. When we returned on Sunday night the first thing I noticed was the kitchen lights were OFF. I was giddy with delight!
Now the problem becomes I am too scared to turn them on for fear they will never go off again. I do have other lights in the kitchen, but nothing as powerful as my bank of 11, 65 watt bulb lights. In a way it is kind of romantic in my kitchen with the low lighting, but it does make chopping a little challenging. Every time I think about turning on the kitchen lights, I just cannot bring myself to do it, I can’t face a kitchen that never goes to sleep, it’s unnatural. It is quite possible that when I turn them on I will be able to turn them off again, however past experience has taught me that ability will be short lived at best. Therein is the endless circle of light and dark in my house. Now I have admitted my fear of my kitchen lights, I believe I am going to have to move on to recovery step two, believing that there is a power greater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity. I will be looking for a good electrician.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Like mother, like daughter....
It is a well established fact that my favorite way to fall asleep is in front of the TV. Its calming, soothing and relaxing. Its been the source of much debate in our marriage, because Rick hates to fall asleep with the TV on. Needless to say when he goes out of town, and I have the bedroom all to myself, you bet I fall asleep with the TV on, its a real treat.
Well as you can see from this picture, the apple does not fall far from the tree. While enjoying Disney channel during her ritual Friday night stay-up-late night, Lauren fell asleep, clinging to the remote, the most precious of all things associated with the TV. Lucky for her Daddy was still awake, and carried his princess of to bed, to sleep in a TV free environment.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Its a good thing.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Its good to have friends in high places!
One of the benefits of being in the Relief Society Presidency is that when you re-organize visiting teaching you get to have a say in who you visit teach! Last December I got to pick two wonderful sisters to visit teach, both of whom I already thought were awesome, and wanted to get to know even more. One of those sisters was already a good friend of mine, Carol. Carol is super talented, very creative, funny and a great mom. Plus Carol loves fashion and shopping as much, if not more than I do! On Thursday Carol invited me and the kids to Riverside Country Club for their Thursday night swim and BBQ. The goal of this event was to have the KIDS swim and the ADULTS visit! No way this body was going to be seen in a swimming suit in PUBLIC. I truly would rather die. Apparently I am not alone in this regard, because I only saw one adult in the pool the entire evening, and that was a very young dad.
Lauren having a "swimmingly" good time.
Here is Mark with Tacie, Carol's daughter, who is six months younger than Mark, and the female version of Mark. Something happened to the group of kids born in 2004....they ended up in the personality line, and stubborn line twice. Tacie wants to marry Mark, however before this can occur, he is going to need to forgive her for ripping his Thomas the Tank Engine magazine. Its still a sore subject.
Posted by Tiffany Hales at 9:21 AM 0 comments